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Export published components


This recipe will be extended with more details and real-world example soon.


Team libraries (and published components as a part of them) are available only in Figma Professional plan

Figma allows you to publish components to a team library, and you can use them in other files, but there are more benefits:

  • Published components have timestamps, so we can know if a component is updated or not and export only updated components
  • In the opposite of local components, published components aren't included in the file; it's significantly faster to export

Usage in CLI

First, you need to define export strategy in .figma.config.js:

module.exports = {
  export: {
    type: 'published-components',
    fileId: 'your-file-id',
    output: './assets',
    filter: component =>'Icon/')

This is the simplest configuration, you can find more details in CLI Configuration Reference

Then, you can run figma export command to export assets from a Figma file.

$ figma export

Usage in Node.js

In Node.js, you can use exportFileAssets function to export assets from a Figma file.

But you need to create an export context first.

import { exportPublishedComponents, createExportContext, createFigmaApi } from '@neodx/figma';
import { createVfs } from '@neodx/vfs';
import { resolve } from 'node:path';

const fileId = 'your-file-id';
const api = createFigmaApi();
const ctx = createExportContext({
  vfs: createVfs(resolve(process.cwd(), 'output'))

await exportPublishedComponents({
  filter: component =>'Icon/'),

Additional configuration options are available in Node.js Configuration Reference

Released under the MIT License.